keep the dream alive
SEASON LENGTH | February-April |
GAMES | 8 games minimum guaranteed (7 regular season + 1-4 playoff games). |
GAME FORMAT | Matches consist of 3 games played to 11. Win by 2. Capped at 15. Games are self-officiated. |
PLAYOFFS | Single Elimination Bracket. 1 playoff game is guaranteed. |
GAME DAYSÂ& TIMES | Game Days:Â LUG plays on Saturday/Sunday afternoons, Sunday evenings and/or weekday (Mon-Wed) evenings. Games may take place at other days or times due to rain outs, make-up games, playoffs or other situations as required by the league. Game Times: Game times can vary week to week. Most games are Sat/Sun 11 am - 6 pm, Sun-Wed evenings 7 pm - 11:30 pm. Teams may play back-to-back games. |
TEAM SIZE | 2 players (doubles). A 3rd player can be added for an additional player fee. |
ELITE PERKS & WHAT'S INCLUDED | LUG Pickleball Uniform, LUG x Happy Dad hat, LUG Shades |
SKILL LEVELS & DIVISIONS | Competitive & Casual. COED Teams are encouraged! |
NON PLAYING DATES | The season tracks the academic calendar. This means we have no games over Final Exams, Holiday Breaks, Reading Week, Spring Break or other key dates you wouldn't normally want to play (such as the Super Bowl, St. Patrick's Day). Leagues that play on Sunday's can play on Sunday evenings at the conclusion of long weekends (such as reading week). See Complete List. |
REFUNDS & WEATHER | All registrations are final once complete. LUG Refund Policy.See our Weather Policy. |
CODE OF CONDUCT | We have a zero tolerance policy for violations of our code of conduct. Players and/or teams may be removed from the league for actions detrimental to the league including abusive or racism language, damaging the facility, theft, alcohol or drugs, among others. |
PAYMENT TYPE | This is your team registration fee and covers 2 players on your team. |
Payment |
$399.00 CAD due at registration |
Register online via VolleyballShift