LUG Summer Leagues Open Registration Saturday 11 am

Summer Registration Opens Saturday 11 am

Hellooooo Everybody,

LUG Summer Leagues open registration on Saturday at 11 am. This summer, we'll be warming benches at arena's in Toronto, Ottawa, London, Halifax, Sudbury, and Hamilton.


  • NHL Styled Replica LUG brand jerseys (images below)
  • A Level Hockey
  • 12-12-15 run-time periods. Shootouts if tied. 
  • PLUG Membership Card
  • LUG Welcome Package including Speed Glasses and Flip Flops
  • 13-15 games depending on division 
TorontoUpper Canada CollegeSunday
Ottawa Sandy Hill/Jim PepTuesday/Wednesday
HalifaxRBC DartmouthMondays
LondonWestern FairWednesday

Spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Spaces are limited so sign up early to secure your spot!


Sign up a team within the first 24 hours and get $35 off!
Use Code: 35TUCKS

Valid from Saturday 11:00 am to Sunday at 10:59 am

Code works on team registration only


We've received a ton of emails and interest about Summer, so we've prepared a quick FAQ list to help you guys out.

  • You DO NOT need to be a student to play.
  • All divisions start in May and play weekly throughout summer.
  • No games on any holidays or long weekends. 
  • Every team receives a unique LUG branded "NHL Replica' jersey (images below).
  • Teams should plan to have 15 players per squad 
  • The leagues are A level. We will tier divisions as needed.
  • Free Agents can sign up using the Free Agent registration.


We give out jerseys based on who registered first!*
Sign up quick to get your selection.

*To pick jerseys, teams must have 75% of their roster signed & paid prior to game 1.